Volunteers and Pearl City community members took to a new street this month to remind drivers to slow down.
In 2004, Rep. Blake Oshiro's office, the Honolulu Police Department, and community members concerned about speeding vehicles in their neighborhoods launched a sign-waving campaign, "Community Traffic Awareness Partnership" (CTAP), to remind drivers to slow down.
Members of the community one day a month wave traffic safety signs on Halawa Heights Rd near Iwaiwa Street where speeding is a problem.
The traffic awareness campaign was expanded to Kaonohi St. after a State Farm agent shared concerns with Rep. Oshiro about a speeding problem in her neighborhood. State Farm agents and employees joined the team on the Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009 waving signs with messages like "No need to speed" during the early evening drive hour.
Last night the traffic safety crew released another wave of signs at its usual stomping ground on Halawa Heights Rd. Jacce Mikulanec, a staff member from Rep. Oshiro's office, said that they "had a great turnout" and "got lots of shakas and ‘mahalos’ from the neighbors in the area too."
Next month's schedule is:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
4 - 5 p.m.
Kaonohi St. & Iho Pl. near park
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
4 - 5 p.m.
Halawa Heights Dr. & Iwaiwa St.
Photo by State Farm and taken from The Honolulu Advertiser.
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