Senator Donna Mercado Kim and Representative Joey Manahan joined 350 volunteers over the weekend at a massive cleanup effort at Kuhio Park Terrace. The cleanup was organized to help encourage residents to take a vested interest in the care and maintenance of their shared home. Volunteers, half of them residents of KPT, helped plant vegetation, painted over graffiti and picked up trash around the housing complex.
The cleanup was a joint effort between the Institute for Human Services, Kanu Hawai'i and the Hawai'i Public Housing Authority. All equipment and materials were donated.
"There is certainly a sense of community here at KPT, and there is pride among the residents. We’ve seen today that we can accomplish anything if we all work together, ” said Representative Manahan.
A big mahalo to the Solid Rock Assembly of God Church, who pitched in with lunch for everyone who volunteered, added Rep. Manahan.
Finally someone has organized and motivated the residents of KPT to take care of what they get so cheaply and which is paid for by the sweat of others. Unfortunately, this admirable effort will be short-lived as it is human nature not to value what is not earned. Regular maintenance work should be a requirement for residency of every able bodied KPT tenant. But, of course, that will never happen. In our legislature's view it would be cruel to make someone actually work the public assistance they receive.
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