OAHU. “A Concert for Peace,” (7:00-9:00 p.m., tomorrow, Sept. 21) sponsored by the Moiliili Hongwanji Buddhist Women’s Association and Junior Young Buddhist Association at the Moiliili Hongwanji Mission (902 University Avenue). The concert is free and open to the public. Click here for flyer.
OAHU. Service of Peace at 7:15 p.m. at St. Clement's Episcopal Church, 1515 Wilder Ave.
OAHU. Kukui Tree-Planting Ceremony on the ewa end of the State Capitol lawn (date to be announced). The kukui tree is not only Hawaii’s state tree, but it also signifies spiritual hope and renewal. It is also an important part of many Hawaiian legends.
KAUAI. A Peace Day gathering at Lydgate Park, Kauai is being sponsored by the Kauai United Junior Young Buddhist Association and is planned for tomorrow, Sept. 21.
MAUI, KAUAI, BIG ISLAND. Designation of September 21 as “Peace Day” in Hawaii (City & County of Honolulu proclamation by Mayor Hanneman presented to committee on September 7th). Maui, Kauai and Hawaii counties will also adopt their proclamations by tomorrow.
BIG ISLAND. A “Parade for the United Nations International Day of Peace” (noon), and Festival on the Big Island (1:00-6:00 p.m.) on Sunday, Sept. 23, 2007. The parade is organized by the Honoka’a Hongwanji Mission, and features special guests Bishop Thomas Okano/Hawaii Honpa Hongwanji Mission and Mayor Harry Kim. For more information get in touch with Miles Okumura, parade committee chairman, at misterokumura@yahoo.com or Cathi Tarleton, publicity and media, 883-0669, catherinetarleton@gmail.com.
All UH Hilo and HCC students are invited to submit artwork for the Peace Day Festival 2007 Art Contest. The theme is simply "Peace" There will be three categories: 1) Visual Art ( painting, drawing, sculputure, etc.) 2) Photography and 3) Writing ( poems, short stories, etc.) Submit all works to the UHHSA office ( Campus Center 211, 2nd floor cafeteria) by 9/21 at 3pm. Festival Participants will vote on submissions and the winner from each category will receive an iPod Shuffle. Please submit before 3:00pm tomorrow, Friday, September 21.

EVERYWHERE. Peace Day Hawaii Website, which will serve as the official posting for Peace Day Hawaii activities in 2007 and for each future year. Check out the link for proclamations, sponsors and participants, the winners of the inaugural literary/visual “Expressions of Peace” contest as well as all the rest of the artwork we received.
A Peace Blend Coffee featuring the Hawaii Peace Day logo has been created to commemorate the Peace Day Hawaii Inaugural Ceremonies, and will be available for purchase at the State Capitol celebration tomorrow and through peace.oceanit.com.
1 comment:
Wow, that's a big piece of peace.
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