Rep. John Mizuno: "Working with our outstanding colleagues from the House and the Senate to pass measures to benefit the people of Hawaii. I am really looking forward to the floor debate with Rep. Gene Ward."

*That the University of Hawaii coordinate people and resources on elder issues. An interdisciplinary center of aging should be formally and physically established and should serve as the focal point of all information related to eldercare.
*Establish an employee-financed paid family leave program under the state Temporary Disability Insurance Law to provide wage replacement benefits to employees who take time off from work to care for a seriously ill family member.
*Appropriation of funds for a cash and counseling program in which non-Medicaid participants direct and manage their personal assistance services according to their own specific needs.
*Establish a task force to follow up on the issues raised by the grandparents raising grandchildren.
*That Emergency respite, overnight respite, and weekend respite be added as covered services under the Kupuna Care program.
*Adoption of a resolution to request the UH to include in its natural disaster planning program provisions to address the needs of Hawaii's elderly, particularly caregivers and elderly shut-ins.