Safety is the key to the future for those who are involved in Hawaii's tattoo industry. This past session, a bill which started off as a means to allow tattoo artists to come into the state to participate in trade shows, exempting them from state licensure requirements for 2 weeks, took a different turn when it crossed over to the Senate. The Senate draft of HB2283, introduced by Rep. John Mizuno, contained a section that eliminated the licensure procedures and requirements entirely, a move that was not supported by Rep. Mizuno or the tattoo industry. The bill was recommitted.
Today, a group of concerned tattoo and body piercing artists visited Rep. Mizuno to start planning for new legislation next session. They emphasize that safety is critically important, and that it's important that the Department of Health maintain proper licensure requirements. Also, did you know that body piercing is not regulated in the state at all?
1 comment:
With the prevalence of Hepatitis and other blood/body fluid borne pathogens, Hawaii would do well to keep licensing of this industry in place. Accountability is key in protecting the public. Will artists from other states be as invested in this key aspect of public safety as local artists will? This is a question we need to ask.
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