Honolulu, Hawaiʻi – With two days left before the Second
Crossover deadline, the House today passed an additional 85 Senate bills. These
bills now head back to the Senate for their consideration. If the Senate does
not agree to amendments made by the House, the bills will be negotiated in conference
committees. To date, 236 bills have crossed over from the House to the Senate.
Key measures that passed
by the House today includes homeless services, emergency highway
appropriations, election reforms, kupuna caregivers funding, ambulance services
changes, community college Promise Program support, bail reform, and gun violence
Below are some highlights
from today's session:
Ambulance Services
SD2 HD2 Authorizes
the Department of Health to establish fees for transportation and provision of
emergency medical services. Authorizes transportation to certain medical
facilities and to medical facilities other than hospital emergency departments.
Bail Reform
HD1 Permits
defendants for whom a monetary amount of bail has been set to pay the bail
amount seven-days-a-week on a 24-hour basis and be released from custody upon
posting or payment of bail.
HD2 Specifies
that police officers have the discretion to issue citations, in lieu of making
a lawful arrest without warrant, for nonviolent class C felonies, misdemeanors,
petty misdemeanors, and violations, subject to certain findings by the officer.
SD2 HD2 Appropriates
funds to the University of Hawaii for additional funding for the Hawaii
Community College Promise Program. Requires a report to the Legislature.
SD2 HD1 Appropriates
funds to the University of Hawaii for the Hawaii Nutrition Employment and
Training Program to include materials and supplies and the hiring of seven
full-time equivalent instructional and student support positions.
SD2 HD2 Establishes
the Executive Office on Early Learning (EOEL) as the administrative authority
for state-funded prekindergarten programs, and private partnership-funded
prekindergarten programs in the public schools, except for special education
and Title I-funded prekindergarten programs. Transfers prekindergarten programs
in DOE and charter schools, except for special education and Title I-funded
prekindergarten programs, to EOEL. Clarifies the role and responsibilities of
EOEL in the public prekindergarten program. Requires DOE to adhere to certain
quality standards and work with EOEL
Election Reform
SD2 HD1 Establishes
ranked choice voting for special federal elections and special elections of
vacant county council seats.
SD2 HD1 Makes
an application for voter registration, including an affidavit, part of all
driver's license and identification card applications. Automatically registers
each applicant who elects to register for voting unless the applicant
affirmatively declines to be registered to vote. Requires sharing of
information among the counties, DOT, and election personnel.
SD2 HD1 Requires
a mandatory recount of election votes and ballot measures when the margin of
victory for election contests or tabulation for ballot measures is equal to or
less than one hundred or one-half of one per cent of the votes cast, whichever
is greater.
Emergency Highway Repairs
1091 SD2 HD2 Makes
an emergency appropriation of $7 million to the Department of Transportation to
mitigate landslide damages and install rockfall protection structures on the
Pali Highway and Honoapiilani Highway.
Gun Violence Prevention
SD2 HD2 stablishes
a process by which a law enforcement officer, family or household member,
medical professional, educator, or colleague may obtain a court order to
prevent a person from accessing firearms and ammunition when the person poses a
danger of causing bodily injury to oneself or another.
SD2 HD2 Appropriates
funds to the Executive Office on Aging to fund the existing position of
Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Services Coordinator.
SD2 HD1 Establishes
additional district court judgeships in the First Circuit and in the Second
Kupuna Care
SD1 HD2 Requires
the Executive Office on Aging (EOA) to develop and implement a plan to maximize
the number of Kupuna Caregivers Program participants and submit a copy of the
plan to the 2020 Legislature. Changes the Program funding allocation cap and
includes coordination or case management under the scope of services qualified
caregivers can receive program funding
Minimum Wage
SD2 HD2 Increases the
minimum wage rates by $1 per hour annually from January 1, 2020, to January 1, 2024.
Provides lower minimum wage rates for employees who receive employer-sponsored
health benefits under the Hawaii Prepaid Health Care Act.
Ohana Zones
HD1 Authorizes
the use of private lands for the Ohana Zones Pilot Program. Extends the Ohana
Zones Pilot Program to June 30, 2022. Extends the Emergency Department
Homelessness Assessment Pilot Program and the Medical Respite Pilot Program to June
30, 2020
Sexual Misconduct Nondisclosure Agreements
SD2 HD2 Prohibits
written nondisclosure agreements involving sexual assault and sexual harassment
as part of an employee's conditions of employment. Prohibits employers from
retaliating against an employee for disclosing or discussing sexual harassment
or sexual assault.
Transient Accommodations
SD2 HD3 Requires
hosting platforms that collect fees for booking services to register as tax
collection agents and collect GET and TAT for transient accommodation bookings
from operators and plan managers. Converts penalties for violation of TAT
requirements from misdemeanor to civil fines. Specifies that "transient
accommodations" includes accommodations subject to county regulations as
To see all Senate
bills that the House has amended and returned to the Senate go to https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/advreports/advreport.aspx?year=2019&report=deadline&rpt_type=secondCross_ammend&measuretype=SB&title=Second%20Crossover.
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