“After several years of hard work, I am so pleased that the ignition interlock program will finally be law in our state,” said Rep. Har. “As a victim of a repeat drunk driver, I will feel safer knowing that these devices will now be used in Hawaii, and I also hope their existence serves as an important reminder to not drive while intoxicated in the first place. By deterring drivers from getting behind the wheel while drunk, ignition interlock devices are certain to save lives on our state’s roads.”

What you should know about the new law:
- Taxpayers will not be paying for bill; DUI offenders will have to pay $84 for installation and a monthly $89 leasing fee.
- First-time DUI offenders will have their license revoked for a year but may continue to drive with an interlock device.
- Two-time DUI offenders will have their license revoked for 18 months but may continue to drive with an interlock device.
- Three-time DUI offenders will have their license revoked for two years but may continue to drive with an interlock device.
- Offenders arrested for DUI more than three times will have their license revoked for five to 10 years and will no longer be able to drive.
- It will be a crime to refuse a breath or blood alcohol test, offenders will be charged with a petty misdemeanor instead of an administrative violation.
- Drivers who refuse to a submit to alcohol testing will have their license revoked for a year but may drive with an interlock device.
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