Friday, July 30, 2010
Victims' Rights on Kukui Connection
This show will air on Sunday, August 1, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. Oceanic Cable Ch. 54. Repeats on August 15 and 22.
The topic - the Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification System (SAVIN). According to the website, here's what SAVIN does:
Hawaii SAVIN offers victims and concerned citizens free, anonymous, and confidential access to timely information and notification 24-hours a day, 365 days a year on the custody and parole status of offenders under the jurisdiction of the State Of Hawaii's Department of Public Safety.
Two bills were introduced in the 2009 session did not advance, but the Department hopes they will be revived in future sessions. They are:
HB335 Establishes a statewide automated victim notification system to provide victims of crime with current information regarding the custody status of the offender and upcoming court events in the victim's case. Effective July 1, 2010. (HB335 HD1)
The companion bill is SB776.
In addition, here are some helpful resource telephone numbers to have on hand, including Domestic Violence Hotlines, Victim Witness Assistance Programs, Sexual Assault Treatment Hotlines and more. Click here.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
"Lawmakers Listen" goes to Waianae
WHEN: Thursday, July 29, 2010
6:30 -8:30 p.m.
-- Turn mauka (toward the mountains) onto Kaukama Road from Farrington Highway;
-- Go all the way to the end of Kaukama Road, and turn right;
-- Pool and clubhouse will be visible shortly thereafter on the left
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Camp Aloha
Rep. Tom Brower (District 23 - Waikiki, Ala Moana) was invited to appear on The Rick Hamada Show, KHVH radio, this morning to talk about the homeless issue. Brower and his colleagues, Rep. John Mizuno and Rep. Rida Cabanilla, recently toured Kapiolani Park and Queen's Surf to talk to the homeless to determine what it will take to move them to other locations, if not shelters.
KITV story on Kapiolani tour here.
Honolulu Star-Advertiser editorial supporting tent cities concept here.
Brower says:
"While 'tent cities' are not a new idea, my office manager and I explored the feasibility of “homeless safe zones” for Hawaii this past January after speaking with advocates and providers last year. We went to talk with the homeless directly because no one has reasonable solutions for the chronic homeless, who won’t go to the shelters. We can either designate areas where the homeless can be or have them everywhere (by default) as they are currently. I believe some areas, due to economics, aesthetics or cultural importance etc., are too important to be overrun with homelessness.
Meanwhile, the State administration has not shown interest. I can understand their concerns regarding liability, safety and the fear of permanent tent cities, but I believe that to do nothing is worse than a good faith attempt to try out a promising solution and make adjustments along the way.
While former Mayor Hannemann recently publicly stated he is open to safe zones, the City’s community services department and State Comptroller seem hesitant to follow through. I have spoken with both the City and State Administration. I was approached by a group of church volunteers and a shelter manager, all of whom have experience with sheltering and feeding the homeless, who would like to see the safe zones implemented. They would be willing to provide the manpower and contribute their knowledge to our efforts."
In the 2010 legislative session, the House passed House Resolution 62 supporting the tent city proposal as part of the solution for homelessness.
Be cool

From civil unions to taxes, Calvin Say keeps his cool
With an unassuming, quiet manner, Calvin Say, packing 34 years of legislative experience, shows little until the outcome is obvious.
Using the premise that flashing an agenda too early just makes you a target, Say is most comfortable in the caucus room without the spotlights.
After 11 years as speaker of the House, Say rarely brags, so his new self-assessment is worth noting.
"If people are mad at you, you must be doing something right, you touched a nerve," Say said in an interview last week.
Mad at you, indeed. This year is likely to be Say's most controversial.
It started with both those advocating and fighting a civil union bill fuming at Say because he refused to allow a recorded vote on a motion to kill the bill.
The action was forgotten by the end of the session when the bill's supporters were able to get the votes to bring the bill back for consideration and passage.
The "Impeach Calvin Say" Facebook page had already been started.
Meanwhile, more politically potent foes were gathering.
Say has consistently opposed raising the general excise tax, saying it hurts not just consumers, but business as well.
The public worker unions look at a GET increase as a big help. The increased money is needed to stop layoffs, stop furloughs and help pay increased benefits for workers, the unions argue.
Speaking for himself, J.N. Musto, University of Hawaii Professional Assembly executive director, sums up labor's disenchantment with Say.
"He is particularly harsh on public employees, and he truly believes they are overpaid and over compensated," says Musto.
In the last four years, Say has repeatedly tried to lower public employee benefits as a way to cut the state budget. Unions turned out in force to fight and kill the Say bills.
"He truly believes such bills should pass. After all of that, he then expects the unions to pay tribute. I think it's time to stop doing that," Musto concludes.
Say claims he doesn't know "why labor should be upset."
As a reliable helmsman, Say helped steer the union's own pay settlements through the Legislature, but this year when they wanted assistance with raising taxes, Say refused.
This year, Say appears to have a strong Democratic opponent, Dwight Synan, who, if he doesn't get an outright labor endorsement, will benefit from labor not endorsing Say.
In the larger view, Say's re-election is not just about Say, but about changing the direction of the House away from the anti-GET increase stance it has held in past years.
PROGRESSIVE, pro-labor members of the Senate have clamored for a GET increase.
Opponents have been able to kill it only because they could argue that "it would never pass the House."
Say frames the campaign and the organization of the House as "If not Calvin, then who?"
This fall, voters in Say's working class Palolo-St. Louis district will find themselves answering with results that could set state tax policy far into the future.
Hey cats, here's someone else who keeps his cool...
Monday, July 26, 2010
Pray for Sun
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
CSG West - Western Academy

The other trainer was Adam Schrager, a news reporter and author. Schrager wrote "A Principled Politician - The Story of Ralph Carr" about Colorado Governor Ralph Carr (R) who protected AJAs during the WWII, and a new book, "The Blueprint", on the political transformation of Colorado during 2004 -2008 from red to blue.
CSG-West is a non-partisan organization which provides a platform for the legislatures in the 13 Western states to collaborate and share information. It was founded in 1947.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Human trafficking legislation called "latest big trend"
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Visiting homeless in Waikiki
Monday, July 12, 2010
Explore the House Journal
Friday, July 9, 2010
Balancing the budget
Legislators avoided tax increases
Richard Borreca's column makes some important and cogent points ("Lingle fails to give credit where tax-hike credit is due," Star-Advertiser, July 6). Supplementary points, however, are necessary to correct any misperceptions caused by the headline.
First, the Legislature did not solve the general fund budget shortfall solely by raising taxes. During the 2009 and 2010 sessions, the state faced deficits of $2.1 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively. In both sessions, about 50 percent of the shortfall was addressed by budget cuts initiated by either the governor or Legislature.
Second, the Legislature balanced the budget without a general excise tax increase, without an income tax increase on low- and middle-income families, and without scooping the counties' hotel tax share. The Legislature wanted to avoid a substantial, broad-based tax increase that would have hurt the economic recovery and worsened the cost of living. Instead, the Legislature chose the strategy of increasing selected, narrowly focused taxes and fees and revising certain tax breaks.
For information on how the budget was balanced, see the charts at
Rep. Calvin Say, Speaker of the House
Rep. Marcus Oshiro, House Finance Chairman
Rep. Blake Oshiro, House Majority Leader
Thursday, July 8, 2010
New laws on campaign spending and elections
HB 2003/Act 211 - recodifies the campaign finance laws and is effective upon approval.
The recodification was the Commission’s top priority because the laws were first enacted in 1973 and “numerous amendments (were) made to the campaign finance laws in a piecemeal fashion and, apparently, with little regard to the laws as a whole. The resulting laws are unorganized, difficult to read, and inconsistent in some areas.”
Act 211 organizes the laws into a new part of chapter 11, with ten subparts. Long and involved sections are divided into shorter sections with clear titles for quick reference. All the laws on one subject are grouped together, in contrast to the prior statutes that required a reader to search through the entire subpart for laws that may apply to that one subject.
Act 211 has other provisions including the following that: clarify the treatment of ballot issue committees by adding a new definition and amending an existing statute relating to enforcement; clarify several statutes by removing references to “penalties” and replacing them with the term “fines” and clarify that the Commission has discretion regarding fines; changes the limit for nonresident contributions from 20 percent per reporting period to 30 percent in the election period; permit a candidate to donate to a public school or public library up to twice the candidate’s contribution limit; and provide transparency for corporate contributions by requiring that reports be filed starting with the reporting period beginning on January 1, 2011.
HB2397/Act 126 moves the primary election date to the second Saturday in August from the second Saturday in September and the filing deadline at the Elections Office to the first Tuesday in June. This act is effective on January 1, 2011.
HB1985/Act 59 removes the state income tax deduction for certain campaign contributions, effective January 1, 2011.
Awana elect Treasurer of Nat'l Caucus of Native American State Legislators

“I humbly accept this honor to work alongside our Native American counterparts in a leadership role as we move forward to address issues that we both experience as indigenous peoples of the United States,” said Rep. Awana, who represents District 44 - Honokai Hale, Nanakuli, Lualualei, Maili.
Rep. Awana has also been named the Chair of the Economic Development Committee for the caucus.
The National Caucus of Native American State Legislators was initially formed in 1992 and currently is comprised of approximately 80 members from 18 states. Membership is open to all Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian state legislators.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Gov. Linda made Keith Olbermann's Worst Person
Lawmakers applaud governor for allowing Housing First legislation to become law
The bill had been placed on the Governor's potential veto list on June 21, 2010. On Tuesday, July 6, 2010, Governor Lingle officially vetoed 32 of 39 bills on the potential veto list. HB2318 was not vetoed and became law as Act 212 without the Governor’s signature.
"I wrote this bill to effectively address our chronically homeless -- those who suffer from mental illness and addiction and either cannot cope or are not accepted into our emergency or transitional shelters,” said Rep. Cabanilla. “The Housing First concept has been very effective as a cleanup tool in eight major cities. The target population is homeless who linger in streets, parks and major tourist hubs. It will help protect our pristine environment and tourist industry while providing stable housing for the chronically homeless. This is a business as well as a humane model in addressing Hawaii’s homeless problem."
HB2318, CD1 establishes the Housing First Program, which creates a permanent residence for the chronically homeless, providing them with a stable housing environment that promotes wellness and therapeutic success. The bill will also allow the Hawaii Public Housing Authority the flexibility to implement the program as it deems appropriate for homeless clientele.
The bill mandates a full report to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the 2011 regular session. The report will list the total number of participants in the housing first programs, the annual costs of the programs, the types of services offered, and information regarding the duration of services required for each participant. The Legislature can then determine if the program should expand based on the success rate of its participants.
"This is an effective step toward reducing homelessness in Hawaii,” said Rep. Mizuno. “The program deals with our chronically homeless population, many who suffer from a mental illness and/or a drug addiction. Stability rather than shuffling them from park to park is a more cost effective and humane way to deal with homelessness in Hawaii.”
New law expands licensing violations to all contractors who hire illegal workers
A previous law, Act 145, Session Laws of Hawaii of 2009, subjected only contractors working on public work construction projects affiliated with a government agency to licensing penalties for hiring employees ineligible to work in the United States.
“The new law provides a fair and level playing field for contractors hiring legally-employable workers,” said Vice Speaker Michael Magaoay, a co-introducer of the bill. “When dishonest contractors exploit illegal labor for their personal gain, they are hurting our local construction workers.” Magaoay represents House District 46 - Kaena Point, Schofield, Mokuleia, Waialua, Haleiwa, Waimea, Pupukea, Sunset, Kahuku, Kunia Camp, Poamoho, Wheeler, and Laie.
“I’m pleased the governor decided to sign this important bill,” said Rep. Henry Aquino, a member of the House Labor and Public Employment Committee and co-introducer of the bill. “It makes unscrupulous contractors accountable for their actions and ensures our local workers have job opportunities, especially during a weak economy.” Aquino represents House District 35 - Pearl City, and Waipahu.
2010 Vetoes and Overrides
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Cooking Takai
In an article, Representative Mark Takai shared two family recipes, the first recipe is his mother's tomato-less brown stew and the second is his wife's lemon bars.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Speaker Say's Memo to House Members on No Special Session to Override Vetoed Bills
In the memo, Speaker Say notes that "the legislature had good justification for passing them (bills)," but through discussion with the House majority members he concluded that "no absolute imperative or exigent reason exists to override any of the vetoes of the bills on the list.."
The memo explains in detail the four reasons why the bills did not warrant an override and gives special mention to the two education bills (HB2377 and HB2376) for an appointed Board of Education.
You can read, share and link to the memo here.
House Not Calling for Special Session to Override Vetoes
Speaker Say, in concurrence with members of House Leadership, cited four considerations for deciding why the bills on the governor’s veto list did not warrant an override, including:
• The bill does not appear to have the requisite two-thirds vote in both chambers necessary to override a veto;
• The bill does not rise to a sufficient level of statewide concern to warrant the extraordinary action of a legislative override;
• The Governor's preliminary objections to the bill have sufficient merit deserving of further evaluation;
• Although the bill was intended to enhance state revenue to balance the budget when passed during the session, it is now no longer necessary because of the Council on Revenue's improved revenue projection.
"It's my personal belief that simply because we have the legislative super-majority to override is not justification for us to do so. Partisan politics should not be a consideration or basis for any policy decision. The House should be proud of the work accomplished during the regular session – including balancing the state's budget without increasing the general excise tax, without increasing income taxes on low- and moderate-income families, and without scooping the counties’ hotel tax share," said Speaker Calvin Say.
On June 21, 2010 the Governor released to the Legislature her list of 39 bills that were intended for veto. The list included bills on public safety, civil union, homelessness, education and more.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
List of all laws effective today July 1, 2010
Sharks in Texas Waters
The strangest thing happened when I got into the vehicle of the Enterprise employee, Sierra, who picked me up at my sister’s house. Sierra’s phone rang and she started talking to someone who seemed to be in a different time zone then us, because although it was 1 p.m. in Killeen, she had asked him if he was headed to school to teach this morning. The first thing that came to mind, “That would be funny if she was talking to someone from Hawaii.”
Ha! He was calling from Hawaii. Sierra had just returned from a two-week vacation on Oahu. The guy on the phone was a hot (her word) surf instructor with the most adorable dreadlocks (her description) whom she had met on Waikiki beach. Cue in choir singing “It’s a small world after all…it’s a small, small world.”
But that’s not why I'm blogging about this random coincidental turn of events that started with a Google search and ended with a new friend in Killeen, Texas.
Here it goes. This is why.
Sierra rambled on about how much she loved Hawaii and all the beautiful things she got to see and the interesting people she got to meet and the delicious food she got to eat. “But,” she said, “I didn’t get to taste the one thing I most wanted.”
“What?” I asked, thinking she’d say something like poi or taro.
“Shark fin soup.”
Oh, snap.
Epilogue: I told Sierra that I worked at the Legislature and explained to her that shark fins may soon be banned in Hawaii because of a new bill we recently approved that would take effect July 1, 2010. She was disappointed. I, on the other hand, as a supporter of the law, took a teeny-tiny bit of pleasure in telling her about the ban and the reason it's important.
Report Title: Possession, Sale, and Distribution of Shark Fins
Description: Prohibits the possession, sale, and distribution of shark fins in the State; repeals the ban on the practice of shark finning. (CD1)
A ban on shark fins is one of about 70 laws that take effect today. See the list here.
Star Advertiser has an article in today's paper.