It is my sincere belief that if everyone worked at the legislature, even for just one session, it would change the way the public views the legislature, as well as shape their understanding of the nature of the work being done on their behalf.
Photo: left to right - CJ Leong, Rupert Juarez (Chief Clerk's Office), Lora Lapenia
The House of Representatives goes out to job fairs across the state recruiting for the best and brightest people to fill a number of important positions. Recently, staff members were at the Hilo Job Fair.
Go to the Capitol website for more information on available positions.
Do you seriously get (m)any applicants willing to relocate (or commute) to Honolulu for a 4-month gig with a modest salary?
Not for commuting, but I believe people are willing to relocate. Many Reps seem to have staff people from their district, such as Lora pictured who is from Hilo.
People are willing to relocate especially if they're young, have friends or family to stay with, etc.
According to House recruiters, Hilo students who are graduating in December were interested in Capitol employment opportunities. Some graduates who are Honolulu residents will be returning to their home island. Others who will be pursuing additional educational opportunities or applying for law school for the fall of 2009, welcomed the opportunity to work from January to May while awaiting application responses. Some students who will be continuing their education at UH-Hilo indicated that they had never thought of the State Capitol for job searches. But they indicated they would keep this option in mind for possible future use.
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