Dikito, an Ewa Beach woman, was shot by her husband before he turned the gun on himself on April 25, say police.
"I only hope that something positive will come from this senseless tragedy," said Joslin Chun, a friend who met Dikito in elementary school and had known her for 30 years, to the crowd of mourners at the capitol.
The Legislature introduced several bills and resolutions related to domestic violence this session to help battle the surge of tragic domestic violence cases.
The following bills and resolutions relating to domestic violence passed out this session:

HCR25: A resolution that urges all hospitals that provide medical care to newborns to provide parents of the newborn with written educational information approved by the Department of Health about the dangerous effects of shaken baby syndrome and the methods of preventing shaken baby syndrome.
HCR45: A resolution that designates May 5 through May 9, 2008 as Hawaii teen dating violence awareness and prevention week.
HCR93: A resolution that designates aging participation in the statewide purple ribbon and purple arm band campaign against domestic violence.
SB2218 SD1 HD2 CD1: A bill that requires electronic monitoring of persons convicted of violating a domestic abuse temporary restraining order or protective order. It is at the discretion of

Rep. John Mizuno urged participants to get involved in the legislative process, attend bill hearings and get their voices heard. "Next year we'll come back and we'll pass more (bills against domestic violence). We need your help," Mizuno said.
Photo (top left): A citizen against domestic violence holds her sign up high at the beginning of the silent march at the Hawaii State Capitol.
Photo (middle right): Rep. John Mizuno and Rep. Tom Brower at the silent march.
Photo (bottom left): Rep. Tom Brower with yellow sign, "Domestic Violence Free Zone," at the silent march against domestic violence and in memory of Della Dikito.
1 comment:
So, how many people who plead an inablity to pay will be excused from this requirement? This should be a blanket requirement, and the state should find a means to pay for it. This law must not be hamstrung by funding issues. And it should not sunset, either.
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