In a KHON 2 news story, Rep. Tom Brower shared the results of his automated telephone poll, conducted in March, posing the question of whether civil unions should be legally recognized in Hawaii. 48.8% said yes and 41% said no. While Brower did not take a stand on the issue, Sen. Mike Gabbard asserted that the issue should not be revisited because Hawaii residents already voted against it in 1998, and another unnamed lawmaker admitted to already preparing a same-sex marriage bill for next session.
It's been 10 years since there has been a whole lot of hoopla over same-sex marriages in Hawaii.
Ten years is a long time and the country, nor Hawaii, can possibly have the same voice it did in 1998. Even if zilch has changed, wouldn't you still want to find out?
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1 comment:
I, for one, know that my opinion has changed very much on this subject. However, it is a very serious matter to start taking constitutions apart at the seams. I think laws can be made and changed that will have a positive effect, without going to the lengths of ammending the constitution.
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