Now that uber assistant Kim is off and running, I've been putting the word out that the House Majority is looking for a new assistant communications director. With the 2008 session just around the corner, I'd like to have someone in place before Christmas. Session is exciting, chaotic, intense, condensed, draining, and oddly addictive. Would be nice for the new person to have a few weeks around the Capitol under his/her belt before the gavel is struck.
I'm looking for someone who LOVES to write. Not just the usual press releases, media advisories, opinion pieces, etc. but also as a voice of and contributor to this blog. Once session starts, we'll be using the blog to update the community on what's happening and what's coming up, and we'll be covering the floor session in as much detail as possible. Which leads me to...a keen interest in politics, government and local issues is highly desirable, if not a must. An artistic eye for capturing the sights and personalities of the legislature through digital photography will be appreciated. Knowledge of and experience working with local media is also a plus. This is a full-time, year-round position, not just during session. Excellent state benefits and health insurance package.
So, if you are interested, or know someone who might be, here's the process and an approximate time frame: Please send me your resume and a cover letter, preferably by email. Deadline is next Friday, November 16th. I'll gather all of the resumes and review them while I'm on vacation (yay!) during Thanksgiving week, and I'll start interviews during the week of November 26th. If you have any questions, email or call me. Here's my contact info:
Georgette Deemer
Communications Director - House of Representatives
Hawaii State Capitol, Room 445
Telephone: 808-586-6133 or Cell: 808-341-5043
Email: deemer@capitol.hawaii.gov
Photo: Honolulu Advertiser. "I thought you said vote down!" Nah, this is actually a photo of Hawaii stunt man Colin Fong who performed a motion picture stunt jumping off the second floor railing of the State Capitol to promote the local talents of the film industry.
So, what's the salary?
Speaking of hiring, does the House have anything like this for attracting session workers?
The salary is about $40K. I don't believe the House has a job site like the Senate, although they participate in the same job fairs and put ads in the classified sections of the newspapers. I'll pass this along to Pat though. (That photo sure looks familiar.)
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