Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Put Keiki First During Children & Youth Month in October

This op-ed by Rep. John Mizuno on the "Children and Youth Day" celebration at the Capitol over the weekend appeared in Saturday's Star Bulletin.
Capitol Celebration Puts Spotlight on Children

Children's Day calls our attention to how we are still failing our children every day. Around the world, too many of them grow up knowing only abject poverty or terrible abuse. They cannot afford to see a doctor or attend school, and are often vulnerable to severe illness.

We're also witnessing this neglect in the United States. Last Wednesday, President Bush's veto of a bill to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program sent the message that health care is not a priority of the administration. As a result, millions of uninsured American children will suffer.

It's also unacceptable that hundreds of children in Hawaii are homeless and left without health care, education or a chance at a better life. We must work together to build safer, healthier communities, address child homelessness and strive to make our health and education systems the best they can be.

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