
Monday, November 5, 2007

Rep. Carroll chosen for Western Legislative Academy

Rep. Mele Carroll is in Colorado Springs this week with 38 other state legislators to take part in the Western Legislative Academy -- a prestigious training institute for newer state legislators.

Rep. Carroll, who represents East Maui, Moloka'i, Lana'i, Kaho'olawe and Molokini, was selected by the Council of State Governments-WEST for this highly competitive program because of her commitment to public service, desire to improve personal legislative effectiveness and interest in improving legislative process.

She'll be there for 3.5 days of intensive training in subjects including the legislative institution, ethics, team building, communications, legislative strategies and working relationships, negotiations and time management.

Participating faculty include the Eagleton Institute's Alan Rosenthal, a nationally recognized authority on state legislatures; Washington, D.C. communications expert Arch Lustberg, and a leading retired U.S. Air Force trainer in team building. Experienced Western Legislative leaders will also discuss legislative strategies and working relationships.

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