
Monday, November 5, 2007

Act 2

The Governor's office just announced that she has signed the SB1, SD1 into law as Act 2, and that today the State and the Hawaii Superferry will file a motion before Judge Cardoza's court to lift the injunction so that the vessel can sail into Kahului Harbor. PDF's of the Executive Order 07-10 which lists the conditions and protocols, and the Letter to the Legislature, are posted on the Governor's website. The SB's Richard Borreca starts off his story on the bill signing with an interesting sentence, "Gov. Linda Lingle signed the Hawaii Superferry bill Friday afternoon, although legislators only found out about it this morning." What's up with that?

One of the weirdest things about working at the Capitol is that it's like a bustling city one day (in session) and a ghost town the next (out of session). Such was the case after the recent special session, but it's worthwhile to see the blog community continuing a lively discussion on what will surely be the #1 news story of 2008. Rep. Kirk Caldwell's op-ed piece in Sunday's Star-Bulletin seemed to touch a nerve in Disappeared News and The Kong Blog. Rep. Tom Brower has a viewpoint on Hawaii Reporter today.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed!

    >>The SB's Richard Borreca starts off his story on the bill signing with an interesting sentence, "Gov. Linda Lingle signed the Hawaii Superferry bill Friday afternoon, although legislators only found out about it this morning." What's up with that?<<
