
Thursday, February 1, 2018


Village seen as model to provide affordable housing, reduce homelessness in Hawaii

Honolulu, Hawaii – Members of the House of Representatives committees on Health and Human Services, Housing, and Finance visited the Kahauiki Village to see first-hand the on-going construction and living conditions of the development which is seen as a possible model for efforts to reduce homelessness in Hawaii.
"I was very impressed with the development and planning that is going into the plantation
style village and the emphasis placed on improving the lives of the families that are living there," said House Speaker Scott K. Saiki. "This village not only puts a roof over their heads, it provides much needed support services to help them become successful in life."

Kahauiki Village was created in response to the state's growing homeless crisis with State, County
and private sector support. The village is a plantation style community development designed to house homeless families and provide health and social support.

The tour was led by Kahauiki Village organizer Duane Kurisu and Institute for Human Services Director Connie Mitchell.

Avoiding backhoes and walking along red dirt paths, Representatives saw homes that are already
occupied, a preschool and daycare center and a mini mart under construction, along with a new on-site management and social services office. The entire project is powered by an integrated photo-voltaic system with solar power panels on top of each unit.

When completed, the project will include about 153 one and two bedroom homes on the site located between Keehi Lagoon Park and Sand Island. The rental units are long term, permanent and affordable for the working families that need some help.

In his opening address to the 2018 Legislative Session, Speaker Saiki said housing and homelessness are "painfully obvious challenges that confront our state."

"There is a huge gap between what our working families are able to pay and the cost of
building new housing in Hawaii," Saiki said. "The state and counties must continue to partner with private and nonprofit developers to add to the affordable housing inventory and make these projects pencil out."

The tour allowed Representatives to see what is being done and think about what the Legislature
can do to support these critical issues.

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