
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Robotics at APEC makes national news

Rep. Angus McKelvey shared the following good news on the Robotics event at the Hawaii Convention Center, held during APEC week. Rep. McKelvey was involved with Speaker Calvin Say in establishing the event as a tie-in with the APEC activities.

NASA worked with Hawaii's UH Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems (PISCES) to set up a real-time demonstration of NASA rovers at a Lunar/Mars site on the Big Island. The rovers were driven remotely by elementary students from the Big Island. Even some of the APEC delegates got to drive the rovers by remote at the end of the day.

The full story can be read on NASA's website.

Here are some pictures of the demonstration at the convention center, and some of the VIP guests that dropped by:

Photos courtesy of Rep. Mark Nakashima

Robotics Organizing Committee - Hawaii

Governor Abercrombie learning how to drive VEX robots

Rep. Mark Nakashima visiting ROC exhibit

Henk Rogers speaking with students

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