
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Will Hawaii ban tanning beds for minors?

California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law this week a measure that would prevent children under the age of 18 from using tanning beds. The law takes effect on January 1. At least 31 states regulate the use of tanning facilities for minors; Hawaii isn’t one of them.

Supporters of the ban contend that children overexposed to ultraviolet light have a higher chance of developing skin cancer later in life. Those in opposition of tanning restrictions for minors argue that bans will hurt businesses.

Reps. Mele Carroll and Faye Hanohano introduced a measure (HB653) similar to that of California during the 2009 and 2010 sessions. However, the bill never made it to a committee hearing in the House Health Committee. Will we see this issue, if introduced, go further in the 2012 session given California’s move to set a higher age limit?

Visit the National Conference of State Legislatures website for a list of laws restricting minors from tanning facilities in other states.

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