
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rep Har on fine-tuning ignition interlock law

Rep. Sharon Har, who introduced the ingition interlock bill, had an article printed in the Star Advertiser recently addressing some of the issues brought up with the new law that went into effect Jan. 1, 2011.

Here's an excerpt:

This session, I will be introducing another bill to address issues that have arisen as we put ignition interlock into practice. For instance, language should be added to the law to give repeat offenders the ability to petition to restore their registration, so that they may have the privilege of installing an interlock device -- currently, their registrations and license plates are automatically revoked without the possibility of an ignition interlock. It is important to remember that driving is a privilege, not a right, and until we do pass further legislation, repeat offenders -- for whom I have little sympathy -- should be grateful that we are working to allow them the opportunity to install ignition interlocks and have a second chance to prove they are now responsible citizens.

The implementation of ignition interlock represents why every one of us should remain engaged with what our government does. When we see something wrong, we do have the power to work together to address it. That's why it is so important to remember that your lawmakers are there to serve you. It can take perseverance to get things right, but ultimately it is well worth the effort to do something that impacts our entire state, for the better.
Read the entire article at the Star Advertiser website.

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