
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Freshman Rep on Kukui Connection

On the next episode of "Kukui Connection", Rep. Marilyn Lee will introduce and talk with one of the newly elected freshmen, Rep. Linda Ichiyama. Rep. Ichiyama is also the youngest member of the House of Representatives.

On the show, they discuss Ichiyama's background, including:

*Student member of the Board of Education while at Moanalua High School

*Degree from Georgetown with the B.A. in International Politics

*Working for then-Congressman Neil Abercrombie

*Law School

They also talk about what committees Ichiyama is hoping to serve on, and some of the issues that are important to her community of Moanalua Valley, Salt Lake, Aliamanu and Moanalua Gardens.

Kukui Connection will air on Sunday, December 26th, 4:00 p.m. on Oceanic Channel 54. This show repeats on January 9 and 16, 2011.

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