
Friday, November 5, 2010

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Christina Kapothanasis, Traditional Chinese Medicine practioner, and husband with Rep. Marilyn Lee

Rep. Marilyn Lee's weekly public affairs series "Kukui Connection" continues with a new show this coming Sunday on "Traditional Chinese Medicine". The guest will be Christina Kapothanasis, a licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who became fluent in Mandarin and studied in China.

Ms. Kapothanasis gives an overview of diagnostic and treatment methods, including tongue and pulse diagnosis. She describes the ways of achieving balance between yin and yang, hot and cold, stagnation and dampness, and imbalances of chi in the blood and various organs.

She also talks about the use, availability, and safety of Chinese herbs.

The show airs on Sunday, November 7, 2010 at 4 p.m. on Channel 54. It repeats on November 21st and December 5th.

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