Both shows are really interesting, and I hope you'll get a chance to watch them. Here are some highlights:
Donalyn Dela Cruz, Bishop Museum (airs Sunday, June 7, 4:00 p.m., Olelo - Channel 54)
*The history of Bishop Museum begins with the love story of Charles Reed Bishop and Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop.
*The museum houses over 24 million catalogued objects.
*Hawaiian Hall, which is being renovated, will re-open in August 2009.
*Learn about the new exhibits.
*The museum is a non-profit organization, not a state agency, and needs on-going support from the local community.
*The museum has many volunteer opportunities, and, in fact, depends on volunteers in order to operate.
Rep. Hermina Morita (airs Sunday, May 31 and June 14, 4:00 p.m., Olelo - Channel 54)
*The top energy bills passed this year: HB1271 - Food/Energy Security, SB1202 - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, and HB1464 - State's Energy Policy.
*HB1271 provides for our long-term food and energy sustainability by increasing the tax on a barrel of oil by $1, and using the resources for energy and agriculture programs. The impact to the consumer is only about 2 cents a gallon but can easily be made up through energy efficiency and changing our consumption habits.
*Hawaii is one of the first states to implement such an initiative utilizing a type of carbon tax.
*SB1202 provides incentives to build infrastructure for electric vehicle usage. Great analogy between the infrastructure for cell phone technology and electric vehicle technology.
*HB1464 essentially establishes the state's renewable energy policy. This includes an ambitious renewable energy portfolio standard, with the goal of 40% renewables by 2030.
*Also discussed - clothesline bill and update on the redemption rates for the bottle bill.
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