
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Civil Unions Bill

The Honolulu Advertiser reports today that momentum is building for a Civil Unions bill, which has a good chance of passing the House this year. Story here.

The bill is House Bill 444, introduced by Rep. Blake Oshiro. Thirty two members have signed the bill, and they are: B. OSHIRO, BELATTI, BERG, BERTRAM, BROWER, CARROLL, CHONG, COFFMAN, HANOHANO, KARAMATSU, KEITH-AGARAN, C. LEE, M. LEE, LUKE, MORITA, NAKASHIMA, NISHIMOTO, M. OSHIRO, RHOADS, SAIKI, SAY, TAKAI, TAKUMI, THIELEN, TSUJI, WAKAI, YAMANE, YAMASHITA, Chang, Herkes, Shimabukuro, Wooley.

Bill Description: "Extends the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of spouses in a marriage to partners in a civil union."

Judiciary Chair, Rep. Jon Riki Karamatsu said he will hear the bill, and believes he has the votes to move the bill out of committee.



    It is all about fairness and equal rights.

  2. This is not the thing to do||| civil union is the same as same sex marriage and we voted against it big time.All this politicians are LIARS(most of them), listen to the majority of the people,no means no.

  3. "Civil union" is most emphatically NOT the same as "marriage." Marriage would need to be recognized by other states--the DOMA is unconstitutional.

    Further, polls from for "Anonymous" to claim the question was DECIDED by the Constitutional Amendment is either uninformed or a willful misrepresentation.

  4. Sorry, several words were inadvertently deleted from my post.

    I wrote: polls from the time of the debate over the constitutional amendment showed a majority of Hawaii residents were willing to support civil unions for same sex couples. Where they drew the line was on calling sucgh relationships "marriage." A majority wanted the term "marriage" to be reserved for heterosexual committed relationships.

  5. Kolea appears to have taken the liberty to expand "have no problem with gay relationships and homosexuality" into "support civil unions for same sex couples." See Star-Bulletin "Same-sex marriage debate..." Nov 6 1998. The proposed civil union bill is a thinly veiled first step and is counter the wishes of 69% of Hawaii voters.

  6. It used to be that we respected a couple of single people, long-time friends, who live together for companionship and to help support each other economically. Why can't we extend the benefits to these people and try to rise above calling all same-sex co-inhabitors homosexual. Are we so homophobic and self-absorbed with our own sexuality that we can't see beyond this ignoble prejudicial?

  7. Now, all the House members have to do is convince the senate to confirm Dan Foley as the next Associate Justice on the Hawaii Supeme Court and they will have their insurance that any law they will not be overturned.

  8. "Change" that is why we are all here today. Equal rights and what is fair for every American. The Civil Unions Bill introduced extends equal rights, benefits and protection to partners. THIS IS AN EQUAL RIGHT. It is TIME FOR CHANGE.
    Jan 29 2009

  9. Time for change, indeed. Might doesn't always make right. If it did, blacks would still be sitting in the back of southern buses, women would still be denied the right to vote, and blah blah blah. It's about damn time!!

  10. Mahalo! for the post, I'm not too happy about this Bill... Mainly because we're in an economic crisis. Too many people are out of jobs, Basically... I feel the House should spend more time in getting people back on their feet, than wasting our tax dollars on a Civil Unions Bill. Please, Stop wasting time & money, focus on helping our people who are suffering. We need help here!!! House of Rep's Please focus on the important stuff. Stop Playing around and get down to business... Much Mahalo! Bruddah Aloha

  11. Sorry Bruddah Aloha, but the time in NOW! This could have a positive affect to our kids, and grand kids, and future generations. One day one of your grand kids will come to you and tell you they are gay. Just like how my daughter did. I never wished my child to be gay, but i love her and want what's is best for her. That's why I support the Bill. Furthermore, as a Hawaiian History teacher, let me educate all you closed minded people. In the old days, the great Ali'i themselves would have male concubines. No one saw this as being wrong, but as the norm for the King had all power and would allow this to happen as he pleased. So apart of me feels, this has always been the way it was even back in the great Hawaiian kindgom. Could it be in the bloodline of my family? I don't have the answer, but I do feel it is time for all people living the free land of America have the same equal rights.

  12. it IS time for change.

    we NEED equality.

    we need the IGNORANCE to STOP.
