
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Island Dairy Benefits from Livestock Revitalization Bill

Rep. Clift Tsuji and Jeri Kahana of the state Department of Agriculture, Commodities Branch, will tour Island Dairy on Tuesday morning to see how the dairy has been able to benefit from the livestock revitalization bill passed in 2007.

HB1221 was enacted into law as Act 221, SLH 2007. It allows for the reimbursement to the livestock producer for 40% of the feed costs. The funds received by Island Dairy are being used to purchase equipment and supplies to grow their own corn for feed, and for other farm improvements that will make their operation more efficient. The goal is to increase overall milk production.

Island Dairy's corn crop is now ready for harvest. The dairy began its operation in 1990, starting in Ahualoa and relocating to Ookala in 2004. The dairy is approximately 2,200 acres, of which 1,900 are farmable. The total herd size is about 1,500 cows, with 475-550 cows producing milk. Bahman Sadeghi serves as president, and Scott Tripp is manager.

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