
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

2nd Vog Effects Briefing: The Impact of Vog on Ag

This briefing will be cablecast live on Olelo, Channel 49.

The House Special Committee on VOG Effects will meet Thursday in Room 325 at the Capitol for the second of a series of briefings. The meeting tomorrow will focus on the impact of VOG on Hawaii's agricultural operations. The discussion will include the effects of VOG on crops and ways to assist farmers.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The effects of the VOG have severely impacted the Big Island farming community, operationally and financially. The briefing will include information on how farmers can protect their crops and on resources available to help farmers mitigate future crop loss.

The following have been invited to participate in this fact-finding meeting:

U.S. Department of AgricultureHawaii Farm Bureau Federation
National Weather ServiceBig Island Farm Bureau
Hawaii Department of AgricultureHawaii Agriculture Research Center
UH College of Tropical AgricultureKona Pacific Farmers Coop
UH at Hilo College of AgriculturalBig Island Protea Growers Assoc.
Forestry and Natural Resource Mgmt.County of Hawaii Research and Dev.

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