
Friday, June 6, 2008

New ConCon citizen's guide available for download

"Shall there be a convention to propose a revision of or amendments to the Constitution?"

That's the question that will be on the General Election ballot in November and the impetus behind all the talk about a Constitutional Convention (ConCon) in our daily newspapers, TV news and political blogs. The Hawaii State Constitution, adopted by the people in 1950, establishes a system of fundamental principals for Hawaii government.

If you're unfamiliar with the purpose and process of a Constitutional Convention, the House Majority Staff Office recently prepared a Citizen's Guide to Amending the Hawaii State Constitution, which can answer most of your questions. Rep. Della Au Belatti requested the compilation of facts and history as a resource for Hawaii citizens to get informed.

The guide explains how and why the question is put on the ballot, the process of electing delegates, establishing a location, funding the convention, establishing rules and ethics, ratifying ConCon amendments, and other related issues of interest.

The Citizen's Guide also describes how the Hawaii State Legislature can propose changes to the State Constitution and how those proposed changes are ratified by the voters.

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