
Friday, May 30, 2008

Rep. Magaoay applauds Kunia Plantation Village deal

Photo: Honolulu Star-Bulletin

Letter to the Editor - Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/30/08

To say that the majority of life-long residents of Kunia Plantation Village were relieved by the news that they will be able to stay in their homes would be a huge understatement. I grew up in a plantation village, and I understand the distress and heartache that these people faced when Del Monte shut down. The recently announced arrangement, which guarantees that the housing remains affordable in perpetuity, is one that deserves accolades for its creativity and cooperation among the parties.

I want to thank and applaud the James Campbell Co. which agreed to transfer their land for $1 to the Hawaii Agriculture Research Center, which will manage the property, and Mayor Hannemann, who found a way to save the housing in exchange for other ways that will benefit Kapolei. This is an excellent model of how the private and public sectors can work together if people put their minds to it.

Rep. Michael Magaoay
District 46 – Kunia, Poamoho, Kaena Point, Schofield, Mokuleia, Waialua, Haleiwa, Waimea, Pupukea, Sunset, Kahuku

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