
Friday, February 8, 2008

Medical marijuana bill changes not yet ready

 A decision on a medical marijuana bill that we blogged about in a previous post was supposed to be made today, but the health committee chair deferred the measure until next Wednesday. Work is still in progress to create an effective vehicle that would help patients get better access to the medicine. Neither HB2675 nor HB2434 will be passed as is; however, the Committee on Health will make a decision next week about the future of a revised measure whose "primary concern is access for people who are sick."


  1. Dr. Myron Berney, ND LAc
    908 16th Ave
    Honolulu, HI 96816


    Reality Check on Medical Marijuana

    People that want to abuse drugs or smoke pakalolo unfortunately are already ignoring the Law and abusing themselves and probably others.

    We all know that we have a drug problem in Hawaii and in the United States.

    But Medical Marijuana is not about drug abuse. It’s about health and wellness, quality of life and survival.

    Medical Marijuana in Hawaii isn’t about interstate commerce; it’s a homegrown farming issue, completely within the jurisdiction the Hawaii State Government.

    Marinol as we know, is the “active” psychedelic compound in Cannabis, but perhaps not the most medically effective Cannabinol isomer. It is medically and pharmaceutically well known that marinol is comparatively ineffective compared to the parent herb.

    There are a variety of reasons for marinol’s lack of medical effectiveness including:
    Ø The wrong active compound
    Ø Poor absorption and drug delivery

    Drug Dealers are educated on the streets not in medical schools.

    Reschedule Medical Marijuana protect doctors and patients.

    Instead of Medical Marijuana maybe we would get more support on this issue if we call it Pono Pakalolo!

    Dr. Myron Berney, ND LAc
    908 16th Ave
    Honolulu, HI 96816

    Marinol and Medical Marijuana—High price v Low Cost Medicine

    Marinol the so-called “active” component of Marijuana is a high cost Big Pharma drug is Schedule III Drug.
    Based upon the Findings required:
    (A) The drug or other substance has a potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in schedules I and II.
    (B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
    (C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to moderate or low physical dependence or high psychological dependence.

    Marijuana the parent herb [Given by God to Man] is Schedule I Drug.
    Based upon the Findings required:
    (A) The drug or other substance has high potential for abuse.
    (B) The drug or other substance has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States.
    (C) There is a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision.
    No prescriptions may be written for Schedule I substances, and such substances are subject to production quotas by the DEA.
    Since Marinol and Marijuana are pharmaceutically, scientifically and medically equal they should be in the same Schedule.
    It is illogical, unreasonable to find that item (B) is different for the same pharmaceutically active molecule or medicine. Whatever Marinol is used for Marijuana can be used for as they are bio-chemically identical.

    Big Pharma doesn’t want inexpensive medicines as it hurts their stockholders profits.

    American Government responsibility is to American Public Health and American Consumers not stockholders and foreign investors.

    Current Law on Marijuana and Marinol is health fraud.
    Cannabis rescheduling in the United States

    The DEA claims that marijuana has no accepted medical use because it does not meet all of these criteria:[9]
    · The drug's chemistry is known and reproducible;
    · There are adequate safety studies;
    · There are adequate and well-controlled studies proving efficacy;
    · The drug is accepted by qualified experts; and
    · The scientific evidence is widely available.
    Actually, in fact, we all know that concerning Marijuana that:
    · The drug's chemistry is known and reproducible;
    · There are adequate safety studies;
    · There are adequate and well-controlled studies proving efficacy;
    · The drug is accepted by qualified experts; and
    · The scientific evidence is widely available.
    Good Government isn’t based upon lies and deception.

    The social effect of bad law [Black Market and crime] is worse than to the social and medical effects of the drug.

    Constitutionally the Feds are limited to regulating Interstate Commerce.
    The Individual States have State Rights within the State itself.

    Ethics and honesty require correction of this health fraud that merely benefits of Big Pharma and harms the cost effectiveness of health care delivery while putting our doctors at risk.

    Medical Marijuana must be scheduled identical to Marinol as a Schedule III drug in the State of Hawaii.

    Whatever the Feds want to do to regulate interstate commerce does not have authority on commerce within any State, Constitutionally.

    However, For those that hold the adverse opinion, thinking that the Federal Law supersedes State Law, then they shouldn’t have any problem with changing the State Law since this doesn’t affect their Federal Law which they think is superior.

    Big Pharma has already developed drug delivery for medical marijuana that avoids smoking.

    Last year it was reported in the medical literature that smoking Marijuana prevents Lung Cancer in tobacco addicts.

    Thank you for you attention and assistance in these matters.


    Dr. Myron Berney, ND LAc

  2. It only takes one or two weeks to begin Chemo. Within a week later you suffer nausea. It takes months to grow and harvest pakalolo.

    Seems that there is a time problem that isn't being addressed by current accessability.

  3. That's a good point. I wanted to include some background from the earlier hearings re: patient access since I didn't include it in the post:

    Medical marijuana patients can legally harvest a limited amount of marijuana on their property; however current patients have expressed safety problems with thugs breaking into their homes and legal issues with transferring medical marijuana from one island to another. If patients want to spend time with family on another island, they can't bring their marijuana with them nor can they harvest more marijuana on property they do not own, and may have to rely on the illegal market. According to testimony from the first medical marijuana hearing, medical marijuana patients don't want to resort to buying illegal marijuana but sometimes have to in order to bare chronic pain. The revised bill will address the issue of patient safety and legal access.

  4. I appreciate You.....
    it's a good point...
    it's period is small...
    It's important to stop drugs everyone...
    bcoz it not only spoils your life but also spoils the happiness of your family...
    pls be think.....
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  5. It is a great tip to stop drugs. It is very harmful for the social order and family. We should stop this thing and we should aware about this.
    Addiction Recovery Hawaii

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Marijuana will help for health.It will be good if marijuana will be used for medicine.Its an uncommon thing to know for the first time.



  8. It’s a very good point...


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