
Friday, February 8, 2008

Health committee not too sweet on artificial sugar ban bill

Although Rep. Josh Green (D-North Kona) sympathized with supporters who have been affected by the artificial sweetener aspartame, he was unable to immediately pass a bill that would ban the artificial sweetener aspartame in food products without concrete evidence showing a connection between aspartame and medical ailments. We can't take numerous amounts of products off Hawaii store shelves without evidence of a connection, he said. Banning aspartame would be a major policy change, affecting many corporations and the market. Rep. Gene Ward (R-Hawaii Kai) said that putting a total ban on aspartame in July 2008 would be difficult and nearly impossible. Huge bans like this would need a phasing out process, he said. Decision making was deferred until Feb. 13, 2008. Rep. Green said that he is open to supporters providing more detailed and solid information about the connection between aspartame and health problems before decision making.
The Honolulu Advertiser covered the hearing.


  1. Now Green is in for it!

    I am visualizing 1,000 mouthbreathers each clicking his or her email "forward" button and addressing it to

  2. metabolic syndrome is tied to diet soda, PL Lutsey, LM Steffen, J Stevens, Circulation 2008.01.22:
    role of formaldehyde and formic acid from methanol in wines, liquors, or aspartame?: Murray 2008.02.07

    "But the one-third who ate the most fried food increased their risk by 25 percent, compared with the one-third who ate the least, and surprisingly, the risk of developing metabolic syndrome was 34 percent higher among those who drank one can of diet soda a day
    compared with those who drank none.

    "This is interesting," said Lyn M. Steffen, an associate professor of epidemiology at the University of Minnesota and a co-author of the paper, which was posted online in the journal Circulation on Jan. 22. "Why is it happening? Is it some kind of chemical in the diet soda, or something about the behavior of diet soda drinkers?""

    "The diet soda association was not hypothesized and deserves further study."

    vinyl acetate, ethyl alcohol, or aspartame in womb increases later cancers in adults with lifetime exposure in many studies, M Soffritti et al, Ramazzini Foundation, Basic Clin. Pharm. Toxicol. 2008 Feb.: Rich Murray 2008.02.07

    folic acid prevents neurotoxicity from formic acid, made by body from methanol impurity in alcohol drinks [ also 11 % of aspartame ], BM Kapur, PL Carlen, DC Lehotay, AC Vandenbroucke, Y Adamchik, U. of Toronto, 2007 Dec., Alcoholism Cl. Exp. Res.: Murray 2007.11.27

    details on 6 epidemiological studies since 2004 on diet soda (mainly aspartame) correlations, as well as 14 other mainstream studies on aspartame toxicity since summer 2005: Murray 2007.11.27
    aspartame groups and books: updated research review of 2004.07.16: Murray 2006.05.11
    Souring on fake sugar (aspartame), Jennifer Couzin, Science 2007.07.06: 4 page letter to FDA from 12 eminent USA toxicologists re two Ramazzini Foundation cancer studies 2007.06.25: Murray 2007.07.18
    ASDA (unit of Wal-Mart Stores WMT.N) and Marks & Spencer will join Tesco and also Sainsbury to ban and limit aspartame, MSG, artificial flavors dyes preservatives additives, trans fats, salt "nasties" to protect kids from ADHD: leading UK media: Murray 2007.05.15
    Artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose) and coloring agents will be banned from use in newly-born and baby foods, the European Parliament decided: Latvia ban in schools 2006: Murray 2007.07.12
