
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bills of interest for WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20TH

Committee on Health, Room 329, 8:00 a.m.

Informational Briefing – Effects of heavy metals in soil and dust, especially pertaining to the operations of the PVT Landfill site on the Island of Hawaii. Department of Health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, invited to attend.

Committee on Water, Land, Ocean Resources & Hawaiian Affairs, Room 325, 9:00 a.m.

HB2502, HD1 RELATING TO SOLAR ENERGY. Makes solar energy facilities a permitted use in the agricultural district on class D or E land. (Morita) (Joint Majority)

HB2503 RELATING TO AGRICULTURAL LANDS. Permits the use of lands in agricultural land use districts to be used for agricultural-energy facilities provided that the primary activity of the agricultural-energy enterprise in agricultural activity. (Morita) (Joint Majority)

HB2522 RELATING TO THE LAND USE COMMISSION. Allows county land use decision-making authority to reclassify lands not more than fifty acres. Allow for the consolidation of the boundary amendment process with county proceedings to amend land use maps contained in county plans. (Har) (House Majority)

Committee on Consumer Protection & Commerce, Room 325, 2:00 p.m.

HB2224 RELATING TO INSURANCE. Requires insurers that offer health care coverage to the regular employees of any group or association to offer the same coverage to part-time employees working at least 15 hours per week. (Say)

HB2449, HD1 PROTECTING CHILDREN FROM CERTAIN TOXIC PRODUCTS. Prohibits the manufacture, sale and distribution of products for young children that contain bisphenol-A or phthalates. Requires manufacturers to choose safe alternatives. (Mizuno)

Committee on Finance, Agenda #3, Room 308, 3:30 p.m.

HB2519, HD2 RELATING TO HEALTHCARE. Establishes the Hawaii Health Corps that will provide loan repayment and stipends for physicians and dentists who agree to work in health professional shortage areas and as first responders during devil defense and other emergencies. Expands the enterprise Zone Business Tax Credit, general excise tax exemption, and other business incentives to include physicians and dentists who establish or maintain practices in areas designated as enterprise zones. (Green) (House Majority)

HB2521, HD1 RELATING TO EDUCATION. Requires 1 percent of general revenues accrued from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2014, to be deposited into the newly created University of Hawaii Repair and Maintenance Special Account for the repair and maintenance of UH facilities. (Chang) (House Majority)

Committee on Finance, Agenda #4, Room 308, 4:30 p.m.

HB2504, HD1 RELATING TO LIGHTING. Phases out and bans the use of certain lighting products with lead and high mercury content; establishes a statewide lighting efficiency standard for general purpose lights; directs the Department of Health to develop a statewide recycling program for recycling all fluorescent lamps. (Morita) (Joint Majority)

HB2510, HD1 RELATING TO THE ENVIRONMENT. Provides appropriation to the Legislative Reference Bureau to contract with the UH for a study to modernize Hawaii's EIS process. (Morita) (Joint Majority)

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