
Thursday, January 3, 2008

House of Reps collects 712 lbs of food and $1, 227 for Hawaii Foodbank

Staff members collect canned goods during the House Majority's Christmas staff party. Left to right: Gail Iseri (Tech Support), Kai Lau (Tech Support) and Rupert Juarez (Chief Clerk's Office).

Every year during the holidays, representatives and staff members fill each others offices with yummy Kauai Kookies, home-made fudge bars and steamy malasadas for everyone to soothe their sweet tooth.

Every year during the holidays, representatives and staff make quick visits to offices to personally hand over shiny Christmas boxes with -- undoubtedly -- more macadamia nut chocolate chip cookies.

Jesse Alvarado (Sgt at Arms office) helps load donated canned goods into boxes at the staff Christmas Party.

Every year during the holidays, representatives and staff wish each other and their constituents a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

But you wanna know what the best part about every year is?

Every year during the holidays, representatives and staff raid their kitchen cupboards for Chef Boyardee ravioli and other canned goods, and they dig deep into their pockets for crisp dollar bills to donate to the Hawaii Foodbank.

This year we raised: 712 lbs of food and $1, 227.

Staff members help load canned goods onto the Hawaii Foodbank truck.


  1. Fire Herman Frazier and all his lolo backers immediately!
    Enough of these idiots running the institution!
