
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Impacts of the "secondhand smoke" bill

The House and Senate committees on Health will hold a joint informational briefing tomorrow to determine what impact Senate Bill 3262, Act 295, has had on our economy and the health of Hawaii's citizens. The bill prohibits smoking in places open to the public, including bars and restaurants, and places of employment.

When: Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Where: State Capitol, Room 325

Who: Andrew Hyland, Ph.D, consultant with the Center for Disease Control, is the primary evaluator on the impact of Act 295 and will present his findings. Attorney General's Office has been invited to present compliance and enforcement data. The state Health Department will present information on the impact of the bill from a health perspective.

Organizations invited to participate and provide a brief update: Coalition for a Tobacco-free Hawaii, Kaiser Permanent, American Heart Association, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, American Cancer Society of Hawaii, Hawaii Quitline, University of Hawaii Public Health Studies, American Lung Association of Hawaii, Hawaii Bar Owners Association, Hawaii Smokers Alliance.
What they are saying: "The evidence is coming to show that the smoke free law is working. The air is cleaner, people support it, and the fear that the tourism and hospitality industries would be harmed has not been realized. This is exactly what's been found in other states and countries that have passed similar legislation." - Dr. Andrew Hyland.

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