
Friday, November 2, 2007

Rep. Lee's November guests on Kukui Connection

This month on Kukui Connection, Rep. Marilyn Lee covers the issues of domestic violence and the nursing workforce. Guests on the November show include Ana Maring, a Domestic Violence Educator from the Hawaii State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and Barbara Matthews, Executive Director from Hawaii State Center for Nursing. Kukui Connection airs each Sunday at 4:00 p.m. on Olelo, Oceanic Cable Channel 54.


  1. Help. I am a father who has been denied visitation based upon false allegations of DV from my ex-spouse. This issue has been open for the last seven years and has been complicated by my Pro Se representation in court and by my exe's aggressive representation by a DV prosecutor. I have not seen my kids in over a year and I do not know why. Psychologists have not helped, only hindered fact finding. What can I do? Larry Holbrook, Honolulu, HI, 808-735-8426

  2. Larry, I will make sure that your comment gets to Rep. Lee.
