
Monday, November 26, 2007

Coalition for a Tobacco Free Hawaii names Rep. John Mizuno as Legislator of the Year

The Coalition For a Tobacco Free Hawaii named freshman legislator, Rep. John Mizuno, as the 2007 Legislator of the Year. Mizuno represents District 30 - Kamehameha Heights, Kalihi Valley, Fort Shafter. He serves as the Vice-Chair on the Committee on Health. Prior to his election to office in 2006, Mizuno served as the office manager to former Rep. Dennis Arakaki, a long-time health advocate and Health Committee chair.

Rep. Mizuno has worked all year to improve the health of children in Hawaii. In addition to sponsoring legislation that will help keep kids away from tobacco and cigarettes, he authored and introduced HB 1008, the Keiki Care bill, that provides basic healthcare to all children in Hawaii. Mizuno also authored bills that will help the mental health of children by providing Statewide Youth Suicide Prevention, and a bill that will encourage families to lead a healthy lifestyle by reimbursing middle-to-low income families with a Food/Exercise Tax Credit. He was the legislative champion to secure support from both the Senate and House in a successful override of Gov. Lingle's veto of his Baby Safe Haven bill, to save the lives of abandoned babies.

The Coalition's award has been given to a top lawmaker since 1993. Rep. Mizuno is the first freshman legislator to win the award. In addition to his Health Committee vice chairmanship, he serves as a member on the Committee on Finance, Human Services and Housing, and International Affairs. He is also the Assistant Majority Floor Leader, Co-Chair of the Legislature's Keiki and Kupuna Caucuses, and a Majority Policy Advisory Member.

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